Idioma: Inglés
Duración: 3h 35m 22s
Lugar: Viabilidad no asegurada, indicar en descripción
Lugar: Jornadas
Visitas: 2.949 visitas

MobiAbility Project - Final meeting at Lublin (POL), subtitles


Video of the MobiAbility project presentation and the Panel on Students with Special Needs in Higher Education


Miguel Angel Perez Sanchez

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Serie: MobiAbility (+información)

ERASMUS+ KA2 project n. 2016-1-ES01-KA203-025001


MobiAbility was born with the ultimate goal of promoting the international mobility of university students with disabilities. To do this, a consortium of four universities and three civil entities joined our knowledge and enthusiasm.

We will propose a set of academic and technical support measures that every “Erasmus” university should offer to international students with special needs. We will also create a web platform where students can find the university that best fits their needs and the agents involved will have some tools to offer a better support and monitoring of the students.